All products will come with a certificate.
We ship worldwide and care for import and taxes
We guide you to find the best Product for you.
We offer a lot more, lets find the best offer for you.
Thats our journey
We started Nobscot (MDj company) in 2015 with a small amount focused on getting revenue. We broke even soon and got profitable.
Product development has also changed substantially. In 2015, it was all about function over form. It didn’t matter what your product looked like as long as it was useful. Our initial web site for Nobscot was ugly! It didn’t matter though. Our technology was intuitive and powerful and MDJ executives loved it. That’s all that counted back then.
Today, we don’t have that luxury. Design is paramount. We start Mandy jewelries working with an outstanding design firm in the UK to help us get the right look. Along with hiring our first coders we also hired an in-house Creative Director to drive design.
With, our digital platform for memories, we are starting a new type of business to make our customers happy. We have to build up our user base. Even with a social site like @Mandys-jewlery that has virality built in with operations and growth.
This is our team who guide you to find your best product!
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